Wellness | Happiness | Growth & Resilience| Compassion | Community Support



Dear Students,


Counseling and Wellness Center is committed to fostering a healthy and supportive environment where students can openly discuss mental health, challenge stigmas, and emphasize the importance of seeking support when facing mental health issues.


Introducing our online Peer Support Community, a platform designed for all students to connect with empathetic peers, safely express their struggles and emotions, increase awareness about mental well-being, and cultivate a sense of belonging!

This Online Community can be accessed via web browsers or mobile apps. For a more convenient access, after successful registration, you can download the "Mighty Networks" mobile app, find and add the "Peer Support Community" within it.






A group of people sitting at a table looking at a book

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  1. Peer-led Events

Exciting peer-led events coming soon! Join our platform to receive updates and register for these engaging events organized by our trained Peer Companions, a group of dedicated students to support, encourage, and provide companionship for fellow HKUST students.  Enjoy a supportive environment, connect with like-minded individuals, and focus on self-care while having fun!



A hand holding a phone with a message

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  1. Online Chat Service

Join our online chat service for open discussions on mental health. Engage with fellow students and schedule one-on-one chats with our Peer Companions for personalized support.




A heart with a thumbs up and a heart beat

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  1. Wellness Toolkit

Enhance your mental well-being with our comprehensive Wellness Toolkit. Discover resources and tools for self-care, including guided meditations and stress management techniques.




A group of people sitting on a couch watching tv

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  1. Movie Screening

Don't miss our online movie screenings of "The Wisdom of Trauma" and "Crazywise." Save the date, join our platform, and experience these impactful films together on Mighty Networks.




The Wisdom of Trauma
(English Subtitles)

(English Subtitles)



Trauma wounds us deeply. Dr. Maté proposes a trauma-informed society where people seek to understand the origins of distressing behaviors and illnesses within the wounded human soul…

The documentary CRAZYWISE challenges conventional perspectives on mental health crises, exploring the contrasting wisdom of indigenous cultures that view such experiences as transformative journeys.




29 Apr 2024 (Mon)




Network Livestream




Join “REST Cinema” under Mental Health Edutainment


22 May 2024 (Wed)




Network Livestream




Join “REST Cinema” under Mental Health Edutainment



You are highly encouraged to stick with the community. Rest assured that we will be super prudent in sending out updates at Peer Support Community. To unsubscribe from this communication, please click here.