Event Archive

AdjUST Well @ HKUST (For UG New Students)

Fall 2021

We understand transition from high school to university life can be exciting and stressful for most of you. There will be huge adjustments that you have to make such as adjustments to new learning and teaching styles, assessment styles, writing practice. That said, it can also be a challenging yet rewarding experience you will ever have in your life. Those who are well prepared will thrive.

To help you get better prepared and flourish for a new and exciting chapter in life, we have provided a full array of programs. Through these programs, we hope you will learn to make smart decision, work time management to your advantage, develop important habits like self-control, a positive attitude, stress management as well as organization skills that will go a long way to ensure that you stay on top of your university study.

• Psychology of Building Friendship and Charisma
This talk aims at enhancing students’ understanding of their personality and how personality could affect their interpersonal relationships. Focus would be placed on learning practical skills in improving confidence, interpersonal communication, and friendship building.

​​​​• Psychology of Smart Learning
Students in the HKUST are known for a high standard of academic excellence and desire to learn. University life encourages you to realize learning aspiration and maximize your potential in attaining goals. Let’s learn how to have better academic adjustment, understand your motivation to strive for excellence, and establish goals for self-development so as to give yourself the best start possible!

​​​​• ​Psychology of Happiness
Positive psychology has shed light on ongoing insights into personality, mood and cognition. Research and experts agree that we all can learn how to bring more meaning and satisfaction into our lives, so as to feel happier!

​​​​• ​​On Your Mark! Get Set! (for International Students)
University life is a time of academic pursuit, personal growth and development, as well as a time of challenge! It is our pleasure to facilitate you to learn, to explore and to flourish in your time at HKUST. The beginning is very important for all new students in understanding and knowing how to adjust to the new academic, social and cultural environment so that you are ready to unfold an enjoyable and fruitful university life.

​• ​​University Years To Go (for Mainland Students)
University life is a time of growth and development, as well as a time of transition and challenge! It is our goal to facilitate you to prepare, to explore and to flourish in your coming university years. Let us get you started for your understanding and knowledge on how to adjust to the new environment in order to pursue a fruitful university life.

​• ​​Building a Resilient Habit
Resilience is the ability to "bounce back" from adverse situations, such as trauma, tragedy, threats, or other significant sources of stress. There are several factors contributing to people's resilience. One of them is the way people think. In this workshop, we will understand how our thinking and beliefs would affect our emotions and behaviors, and to learn more rational and resilient thinking styles in facing life frustrations.

​• ​​​​Psychology of Finding Your Way
This workshop help you develop a sense of self, define your own personal objectives and evaluate the extent to which they meet your personal goals. This is a good opportunity to understand and maximize your potential in attaining your future life direction!
​• ​​​​​Psychology of Self-care
University life can be fruitful, but challenging. There will be ups and downs from time to time. Emotions and behaviors are all interconnected with each other, and influence our mind, emotions and actions. As a result, it is important for us to manage our own emotions in constructive ways to alleviate stress, communicate effectively, empathize with others, overcome challenges and defuse conflicts. Self-care starts with accepting yourself that we have blind spots. Through self-reflection and positive thinking, you can let out everything you have been holding back and to ponder on life to pursue your dreams and goals.

​• Getting the Love You Want
Conflict is a normal part of any relationship. This workshop will offer practical tips on conflict management and step-by-step resolutions to improve relationships. Students will be guided to understand more on what constitutes a conflict and the importance of healthy conflict resolution.