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Finding Your Way When You Are Feeling Lost 當我迷失時可以怎麼辦

Spring 2024

As young adults, university students are at a critical point in their lives where they are discovering their identity and aspirations. Defining life goals and values can provide direction and purpose, leading to a sense of fulfilment.

During the talk, Ms. Bobo Tsang, a Clinical Psychologist from New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association, shared common signs of quarter-life crisis experienced by university students. She facilitated participants in identifying their values and generating value-based goals. Common challenges to living a value-based life were also explored, and then addressed with tips based on Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT).

Interpersonal effectiveness skills, including DEAR MAN (Describe, Express, Assert, Reinforce, Mindful, Appear confident, Negotiate), were taught to support participants in balancing their personal goals with expectations from social roles and others. Thinking traps and avoidance behaviors were also explored, and behavioral experiments were designed to help participants learn to tolerate self-doubt and frustration when things did not go as expected.

Finally, Bobo shared examples where identified values seemed to conflict, and facilitated participants in searching for common ground and sorting out priorities to navigate the challenges of discovering their identity and achieving their goals.