Event Archive


Sleep Well and Live Well

Spring 2024

Insomnia has become a growing concern and a noticeable trend in recent years. People with insomnia often have trouble initiating or maintaining sleep and may feel tired and unrefreshed upon waking, which is extremely frustrating.

In this workshop, Dr. Olivia Ma, clinical psychologist at the New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association, leveraged on case studies and learning videos to explain the causes of insomnia and how insomnia affects various areas of our life. Having low level of concentration, reduced motivation, physical health problems, and reduced social functioning are common challenges faced by people with insomnia.

Insomnia coping strategies drawn from the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy were shared to facilitate participants in engaging in relaxation and mindfulness exercises. Keeping track on a sleep diary is also effective in understanding more about the sleep hygiene. By the end of the session, participants could apply these strategies in their daily life to cope with sleep problems and have a good sleep.