Event Archive


JUSTalk Series (Vol. 3) – Making Space for the Unexpected and Thrive with It 問心講 (三)在起伏中成長

Spring 2024

The JUSTalk Series rides on the concept of Human Library, where participants formed small groups and listened to personal stories of the Peer Companions from the Counseling and Wellness Center and Ambassadors from Alliance of Ex-mentally Ill of Hong Kong (AEMIHK).

While the challenges came in different forms and shapes, our human books shared their interpretations and how they made space to navigate through the unexpected and came to where they are now. Learning is never a linear process, and it is okay to experience fear or other emotions in response to uncertainty initially and metamorphose to be the best we can be. Focus on what is within our reach, such as daily routines, connections with loved ones, informal and professional support could help us regain a sense of agency and stability amidst life’s predictable unpredictability.

Through open dialogues, participants and the human books exchanged practice wisdom and learned from each other, creating a supportive and empowering experiences in their personal development journey.