Connect with Your Heart - Find the Inner Peace
Spring 2020
When facing critical and unprecedented events, it is not uncommon to experience emotional disturbance. The following workshops have been organised to mitigate emotional distress and give students some insights into balance of life, inner peace, family connectedness and authentic happiness. If you have missed them, please stay tuned for more upcoming workshops to enhance your well-being.
• Self-care in Critical Incidents
Critical incidents are typically sudden and powerful events which are outside the normal range of ordinary human experiences. Student Counselor introduced the common psychological reactions that follow critical incidents and shared helpful strategies in managing stress and negative emotions.
• Finding Peace in Adversity
When the world around us seems chaotic, we may find it hard to contain the difficult emotions and regain inner peace. Student Counselor made use of the skills of Somatic Experiencing® and Integral Somatic Psychology™ to cultivate inner peace and connected with ourselves and one another.
• Beat Exam Anxiety
As a university student, it is perfectly natural to feel anxious and nervous when preparing for and taking an assessment or examination. Student Counselor introduced several common worries that cause exam anxiety and shared techniques to deal with it.
• Maintaining Wellness @ Home
Even we are almost home-bounded, our mental wellness should be part of our daily lives. Student Counselor provided practical suggestions and tips in managing life at home. Participants were also invited to share their good practices and experience.
• Making Good Use of Stress and Emotions
Stress and Emotions are unavoidable but very often misinterpreted, ignored or suppressed in our daily lives. Student Counselor guided participants to gain a better understanding of their emotions, how it related to our psychological needs and knew more about the effective ways to manage stress.
• The Secrets to Effective Family Communication
When we are facing lots of doubts and uncertainty, the bond with family can provide a sense of security and comfort. Student Counselor shared tips to communicate with significant others when having different points of views and skills to address the emotional needs in the conversation.
• Building a Resilient Habit - A Doorway to Meditation
Mindfulness is moment-to-moment, non-judgmental awareness, developed through the practice of meditation. It can help improve attention, boost the immune system, cultivate well-being and happiness, reduce stress and enhance creativity. In this workshop, students learnt about the science of meditation, different types of meditation, and how to do the basic mindfulness meditation.
• In Pursuit of Authentic Happiness
We can boost our happiness by showing our gratitude to others, cultivating optimism, practicing acts of kindness, nurturing trustful social relationships, practicing mindfulness, exercising, feeling hopeful and cultivating laughter. In this workshop, students knew more about these meaningful practices and learnt how to develop these practices to achieve authentic happiness.
• Understanding Your Attachment Style
Early parent-child interaction dynamics result in different attachment styles – secure, avoidant, ambivalent, and disorganized. The workshop offered students an initial self-understanding about their unconscious pattern of interpersonal relationship. With such an awareness, we can build a secure and healthier relationship with others as we all have the innate ability to heal.
• Getting the Love You Want
Conflict is a normal part of any relationship. This workshop offers some tips on conflict management and step-by-step resolutions to improve relationships. Students were guided to understand more on what constitutes a conflict and the importance of healthy conflict resolution.
• Self-care in Critical Incidents
Critical incidents are typically sudden and powerful events which are outside the normal range of ordinary human experiences. Student Counselor introduced the common psychological reactions that follow critical incidents and shared helpful strategies in managing stress and negative emotions.
• Finding Peace in Adversity
When the world around us seems chaotic, we may find it hard to contain the difficult emotions and regain inner peace. Student Counselor made use of the skills of Somatic Experiencing® and Integral Somatic Psychology™ to cultivate inner peace and connected with ourselves and one another.
• Beat Exam Anxiety
As a university student, it is perfectly natural to feel anxious and nervous when preparing for and taking an assessment or examination. Student Counselor introduced several common worries that cause exam anxiety and shared techniques to deal with it.
• Maintaining Wellness @ Home
Even we are almost home-bounded, our mental wellness should be part of our daily lives. Student Counselor provided practical suggestions and tips in managing life at home. Participants were also invited to share their good practices and experience.
• Making Good Use of Stress and Emotions
Stress and Emotions are unavoidable but very often misinterpreted, ignored or suppressed in our daily lives. Student Counselor guided participants to gain a better understanding of their emotions, how it related to our psychological needs and knew more about the effective ways to manage stress.
• The Secrets to Effective Family Communication
When we are facing lots of doubts and uncertainty, the bond with family can provide a sense of security and comfort. Student Counselor shared tips to communicate with significant others when having different points of views and skills to address the emotional needs in the conversation.
• Building a Resilient Habit - A Doorway to Meditation
Mindfulness is moment-to-moment, non-judgmental awareness, developed through the practice of meditation. It can help improve attention, boost the immune system, cultivate well-being and happiness, reduce stress and enhance creativity. In this workshop, students learnt about the science of meditation, different types of meditation, and how to do the basic mindfulness meditation.
• In Pursuit of Authentic Happiness
We can boost our happiness by showing our gratitude to others, cultivating optimism, practicing acts of kindness, nurturing trustful social relationships, practicing mindfulness, exercising, feeling hopeful and cultivating laughter. In this workshop, students knew more about these meaningful practices and learnt how to develop these practices to achieve authentic happiness.
• Understanding Your Attachment Style
Early parent-child interaction dynamics result in different attachment styles – secure, avoidant, ambivalent, and disorganized. The workshop offered students an initial self-understanding about their unconscious pattern of interpersonal relationship. With such an awareness, we can build a secure and healthier relationship with others as we all have the innate ability to heal.
• Getting the Love You Want
Conflict is a normal part of any relationship. This workshop offers some tips on conflict management and step-by-step resolutions to improve relationships. Students were guided to understand more on what constitutes a conflict and the importance of healthy conflict resolution.