Event Archive


Love and Care at HKUST amid Mental Health Concerns

Winter 2021

Mental health is one of the main ingredients contributing to the fruitful university life of students. With the onslaught of the lingering pandemic, the academic, interpersonal and emotional challenges encountered by our students are becoming more complicated and severe which take a heavy toll on the mental wellness of our students.

Promoting and safeguarding the mental health of our students calls for the joint effort of all university staff. In light of this, we have invited Dr. Phyllis Chan Kwok Ling, Vice- President of the Hong Kong College of Psychiatrists to deliver a talk to faculty, staff and students. The talk shed light on how gatekeepers can safeguard the mental health of students. Dr. Chan also introduced relevant symptoms of psychiatric problems and how early intervention can be achieved.

By the end of the sharing, both staff and students who take the role as gatekeepers gained some effective tips on enhancing their emotional awareness and ways of self-care.