Psychological Assessment

Through evidence-based psychological assessments, student can gain better awareness of their psychological well-being, enhance self-understanding, promote personal growth, and get clearer direction in pursuing their life-long goals.

Students can take the following online self-assessments or make an appointment with our Student Counselors to have assessments conducted by Counselors and debriefing on the assessment results.

Let us always meet each other with smile, for the smile is the beginning of love.

Mother Teresa



Stress & Emotion Wellness

- Mood and Stress Assessment (DASS)

    English | Chinese

- Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D)

    English | Chinese

- 抑鬱及焦慮情緒自我測試 (PHQ-9 & GAD-7)


- Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (K10)


- New Life dayday 330 Well-being (CWBS-20)     Bilingual

Personality & Self-esteem

- Character Strengths


Preliminary assessment on Mental Health concerns

- Quick Self Screening Test for Early Psychosis (HA)

    English | Chinese

- Adult ADHD Screening Test


- Eating Attitude Test (EAT-26) (HEDA)

    English | Chinese

- Problem Gambling (DSM-IV-MR-J)



Assessment Conducted by Counselors



Counseling and Wellness Center offers the following wide range of psychological assessment.  Student can make counseling appointment with a Student Counselor.  Our Student Counselor will discuss with you and recommend appropriate psychological assessment for you.  You may also discuss the assessment results of the above online self-assessment with our Student Counselors.



Stress & Emotion Wellness

Psychological Assessment



Beck Depression Inventory (BDI)

Beck Depression Inventory is one of the most widely used questionnaires for detecting depression and assessing the severity of depression.



貝克憂鬱量表是 Beck Depression Inventory 的中文翻譯版本,可以檢測憂鬱和量度憂鬱情緒的嚴重程度。


Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI)

Beck Anxiety Inventory is a popular short screening questionnaire to assess the somatic and psychological symptoms of anxiety.



貝克焦慮量表是 Beck Anxiety Inventory 的中文翻譯版本, 用以量度身體和心理方面的焦慮症狀。


Beck Hopelessness Scale

Beck Hopelessness Scale is used to measure the degree in loss of motivation and hope about future.


Coping Response Inventory

Coping Response Inventory assesses how people cope with their recent problems or stressful events.  It identifies both positive and negative ways of coping and provides valuable information to understand people's usual pattern of coping response and shed light on ways of making changes.


Eating Disorder Inventory

Eating Disorder Inventory is designed to assess different types of eating disorders.  It also helps to understand the reasons behind the eating disorder for each individual.


Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale

The Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale is a well-researched questionnaire which measures individual's psychological resilience among clinical and nonclinical populations. 

English | Chinese



Study & College Adjustment

Psychological Assessment






College Adjustment Scale

The College Adjustment Scale is designed to help college students who are experiencing psychological and/or adjustment problems to identify the source(s) of the problems.


Student Adaptation to College Questionnaire (SACQ)

The Student Adaptation to College Questionnaire assesses students' overall adjustment to college, as well as adjustment in four specific areas: Academic Adjustment, Personal-Emotional Adjustment, Social Adjustment and Attachment to the University.


Learning and Study Strategies Inventory (LASSI)

The Learning and Study Strategies Inventory is a widely-used assessment of students' study skills.  It measures students' awareness about and use of learning and study strategies, relating to study skills, motivation and strategic learning.  It provides valuable information on how to make changes to achieve successful learning.




Life Planning

Psychological Assessment



Self Directed Search

Self Directed Search is designed to help students to learn about their personality and career options.  It asks questions about your aspirations, activities, competencies, and level of interest in different occupations, and then identifies occupations that match with your interests, abilities, and personalities.







Personality & Self-esteem

Psychological Assessment



NEO Personality Inventory-3                (NEO-PI-3)

The NEO-PI-3 is one of the most popular personality tests measuring Big Five personality traits -- Neuroticism, Extraversion, Openness, Agreeableness, and Conscientiousness, and provides a comprehensive and detailed assessment of normal adult personality.


Tennesse Self-Concept Scale

Tennesse Self-Concept Scale is a popular psychological test measuring people's self-concept in different domains.  It is useful for students to gain more understanding and insight about themselves.




Policies and Ethical Guidelines

All assessment are only made available and used ethically (adherence to copyright and licensing rights) by qualified users with appropriate training, competence and experience.  
All assessment tools are not to be taken outside the assessment venue. 


Confidentiality and Use of Assessment Results

Conversations and assessment results are treated with strict confidentiality and in compliance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance of Hong Kong.  Your data may also be used for research and analysis / statistical purposes.  Names and other personal identifiers must be removed for research use or other statistical purposes. 

Why are counseling services private and confidential?

When students decide to meet with a counselor, they need sufficient emotional support to manage their life adversities and mental health concerns. A student may be going through stressful experiences, traumatic life events, fear of judgement and an emotional roller coaster ride of mental health symptoms. They may feel embarrassed, vulnerable or a sense of shame, and may be reluctant to share their private feelings and secrets if they do not feel safe and comfortable in the counseling environment. It is of utmost importance for a counselor to gain trust from a student and build rapport with them to ensure the effectiveness of counseling/psychotherapy. Sometimes, the discussion may involve substance abuse, sexual activity, and concerns about other behaviors that might violate the student conduct code.

Counseling/psychotherapy is considered confidential to protect students’ personal experiences and the therapeutic relationship. Nevertheless, there are exceptions that confidentiality would not be upheld, particularly if the counselor is significantly concerned about the safety of student or someone else that the student is talking about.