University Adjustment

University life is a time of growth and development, as well as a time of challenge! It is our pleasure to be your company to learn, to explore and to flourish together in your time at HKUST.  Our counseling team sincerely walks you through our programs so that you can be better-equipped for your university life.


Peer Support Community

Welcome to our Peer Support Community! This is a supportive community where a group of dedicated and trained students serve as Peer Companions (PCs) to support, encourage, and provide companionship for fellow HKUST students, both in-person and through the Online Peer Support Community.


Through the years, PCs have organised various activities to promote mental wellness, combat stigma, foster inclusive conversations to raise awareness and encourage early help-seeking within the HKUST community. Stay tuned for our upcoming initiatives!

Psychological Assessment

Through evidence-based psychological assessments, student can gain better awareness of their psychological well-being, enhance self-understanding, promote personal growth, and get clearer direction in pursuing their life-long goals.

Students can take the following online self-assessments or make an appointment with our Student Counselors to have assessments conducted by Counselors and debriefing on the assessment results.

Let us always meet each other with smile, for the smile is the beginning of love.

Mother Teresa

大学生心理健康量表 (在线施测)

请先阅览以下指示, 才进入心理测验主页的超链接. (你可以随时查看此页寻找帮助.)


  1. 你的在线施测专用登入数据: 登入名称, 登入密码 及 单位代码.
  2. 你的香港科技大学学生证上的学生号码


  1. 进入心理测验主页:
  2. 输入预备清单 (1) 的数据
  3. 成功登入后你会看见以下画面.  请在 “班级”字段填上你的 “学系”, 在 “座号” 字段填上你的 “香港科技大学学生证上的学生号码”
  4. 完成整个测验



New Student Orientation

New Student Orientation sessions are organized for all students new to our campus, including local, mainland and international undergraduates (UG), research postgraduates (RPG), taught postgraduates (TPG) - introducing counseling services to students, giving them ideas how fruitful their university life could be, providing them solutions to the challenges they may face, as well as building a platform to make new friends.


Personalized Assistance

Additional assistance tailored for students with different backgrounds and needs are also available:

Getting Peer Support Online

The Peer Support Community is an inclusive online platform for HKUST students to connect with empathetic peers, share emotions, enhance their understanding of mental wellness, and cultivate a sense of belonging and resilience through a supportive network. Students can join this community to start a conversation with PCs through 1-on-1 chat, and have access to the Wellness Toolkit and Short Posts prepared by PCs for learning and revisiting psychological knowledge and self-care skills anytime, anywhere!


The Community can be accessed via web browsers or mobile apps. For convenient access, after successful registration, you can download "Mighty Networks" mobile apps, find and add the "Peer Support Community" within it. Grasp the opportunity to foster friendships and navigate your university journey together in a safe and welcoming environment!

Peer Support and Outreach


      Social Media Outreach

  Mental Wellness Outreach



                 Peer Sharing


                 JUSTalk Café

                TrUSTalk Circle

      Exam Support Initiatives

Invited Peer Chat Sessions


Be a Peer Companion

The Peer Companion Training Program (友伴同行 - 科大朋輩支援訓練計劃) invites all undergraduate and postgraduate students at HKUST to join the one-year program. 


Prior to the commencement of peer support and outreach, new PCs would undergo extensive training to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge required to offer support to their peers. In addition to face-to-face sessions, the Program leverages the same online platform "Mighty Networks" to establish an interactive training community, offering new PCs access to skill-training videos and other essential knowledge. These online resources enable PCs to access them anywhere, anytime, at their fingertips and according to their own pace.


If you want to equip yourself with skills to provide peer support and contribute to the mental wellness in the HKUST community, click HERE to apply to be a Peer Companion. The application period for academic year 2024-25 runs until 27 Oct 2024 (Sun). Shortlisted applicants would be invited to interview in November 2024.


Peer Companions (PCs) are expected to fulfil a one-year commitment, which starts with an orientation in late December 2024, comprehensive training and practicum from December 2024 to March 2025. Upon completion of training and practicum, PCs would be invited to provide Peer Support and Outreach throughout the year. PCs are also expected to have a reasonable level of commitment in various events.






Orientation and Teambuilding

Late December  






Comprehensive Training on Peer Support and SEN awareness                                                  





February - March



Exam Support Initiatives and Invited Peer Chat Sessions

April - May



New Student Welcoming




Campus-wide Festival October 



Exam Support Initiatives

November - December



Orientation and Peer Sharing for New PC Cohort Late December (Senior PCs)




On top of the above signature Peer Support and Outreach, PCs would be invited to provide other Peer Care sessions, including but not limited to TrUSTalk Circle and Social Media Outreach on need basis, and subject to PCs availability.


Upon completion of one-year commitment, PC graduates can be promoted to Senior Peer Companions and receive supplementary training and continue their Peer Care sessions, including but not limited to TrUST Bench, JUSTalk and Social Media Outreach through the Peer Companion Enhancement Program (友伴同行 - 科大朋輩支援延伸計劃).

Recognition for Peer Companions

To recognize the hard work and preserve a sense of belongings among the group of dedicated Peer Companions (PCs), you may find them wearing our T-shirts (PCs) and Hoodies (Senior PCs) around the campus. As student leaders and active contributors of enhancing mental wellness in the HKUST community, PCs are eligible to apply for additional hall points and scholarships to further enrich your life at HKUST.

May everyone be happy and safe and may their hearts be filled with joy.
May all living beings live in security and peace.
May all of them dwell in perfect tranquility.

Thich Nhat Hanh, 1997

Center Publications

Our Services
New University Life / Adjustment
Social Adjustment
Emotional Adjustment
Behavioral Concerns
Personal Growth and Development
Psychological Disorders
Academic Study
Heartfelt Sharings from HKUST Students & Student Counselors

HKUST Stories

     Putting Students’ Mind at Ease


       首用網上平台 培訓大使支援學生

                   面對失敗 學習說出來

Reference Books / Websites

University Student Life
Study / Stress Management
Social / Friendship
Mood / Emotions
Behavioral Concerns (e.g., Addiction, Harassment)
Personal Growth & Development
Psychological Disorders
Love & Relationship
Grief & Bereavement

Movies / Dramas


Inside Out 

A Beautiful Mind


Atypical (drama available on Netflix)




A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

Good Will Hunting






Stress & Emotion Wellness

- Mood and Stress Assessment (DASS)

    English | Chinese

- Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D)

    English | Chinese

- 抑鬱及焦慮情緒自我測試 (PHQ-9 & GAD-7)


- Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (K10)


- New Life dayday 330 Well-being (CWBS-20)     Bilingual

Personality & Self-esteem

- Character Strengths


Preliminary assessment on Mental Health concerns

- Quick Self Screening Test for Early Psychosis (HA)

    English | Chinese

- Adult ADHD Screening Test


- Eating Attitude Test (EAT-26) (HEDA)

    English | Chinese

- Problem Gambling (DSM-IV-MR-J)



Assessment Conducted by Counselors



Counseling and Wellness Center offers the following wide range of psychological assessment.  Student can make counseling appointment with a Student Counselor.  Our Student Counselor will discuss with you and recommend appropriate psychological assessment for you.  You may also discuss the assessment results of the above online self-assessment with our Student Counselors.



Stress & Emotion Wellness

Psychological Assessment



Beck Depression Inventory (BDI)

Beck Depression Inventory is one of the most widely used questionnaires for detecting depression and assessing the severity of depression.



貝克憂鬱量表是 Beck Depression Inventory 的中文翻譯版本,可以檢測憂鬱和量度憂鬱情緒的嚴重程度。


Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI)

Beck Anxiety Inventory is a popular short screening questionnaire to assess the somatic and psychological symptoms of anxiety.



貝克焦慮量表是 Beck Anxiety Inventory 的中文翻譯版本, 用以量度身體和心理方面的焦慮症狀。


Beck Hopelessness Scale

Beck Hopelessness Scale is used to measure the degree in loss of motivation and hope about future.


Coping Response Inventory

Coping Response Inventory assesses how people cope with their recent problems or stressful events.  It identifies both positive and negative ways of coping and provides valuable information to understand people's usual pattern of coping response and shed light on ways of making changes.


Eating Disorder Inventory

Eating Disorder Inventory is designed to assess different types of eating disorders.  It also helps to understand the reasons behind the eating disorder for each individual.


Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale

The Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale is a well-researched questionnaire which measures individual's psychological resilience among clinical and nonclinical populations. 

English | Chinese



Study & College Adjustment

Psychological Assessment






College Adjustment Scale

The College Adjustment Scale is designed to help college students who are experiencing psychological and/or adjustment problems to identify the source(s) of the problems.


Student Adaptation to College Questionnaire (SACQ)

The Student Adaptation to College Questionnaire assesses students' overall adjustment to college, as well as adjustment in four specific areas: Academic Adjustment, Personal-Emotional Adjustment, Social Adjustment and Attachment to the University.


Learning and Study Strategies Inventory (LASSI)

The Learning and Study Strategies Inventory is a widely-used assessment of students' study skills.  It measures students' awareness about and use of learning and study strategies, relating to study skills, motivation and strategic learning.  It provides valuable information on how to make changes to achieve successful learning.




Life Planning

Psychological Assessment



Self Directed Search

Self Directed Search is designed to help students to learn about their personality and career options.  It asks questions about your aspirations, activities, competencies, and level of interest in different occupations, and then identifies occupations that match with your interests, abilities, and personalities.







Personality & Self-esteem

Psychological Assessment



NEO Personality Inventory-3                (NEO-PI-3)

The NEO-PI-3 is one of the most popular personality tests measuring Big Five personality traits -- Neuroticism, Extraversion, Openness, Agreeableness, and Conscientiousness, and provides a comprehensive and detailed assessment of normal adult personality.


Tennesse Self-Concept Scale

Tennesse Self-Concept Scale is a popular psychological test measuring people's self-concept in different domains.  It is useful for students to gain more understanding and insight about themselves.




Policies and Ethical Guidelines

All assessment are only made available and used ethically (adherence to copyright and licensing rights) by qualified users with appropriate training, competence and experience.  
All assessment tools are not to be taken outside the assessment venue. 


Confidentiality and Use of Assessment Results

Conversations and assessment results are treated with strict confidentiality and in compliance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance of Hong Kong.  Your data may also be used for research and analysis / statistical purposes.  Names and other personal identifiers must be removed for research use or other statistical purposes.