Event Archive

Unhooking from Procrastination 與拖延講拜拜

Spring 2024

Procrastination can be a nuisance for most people, as it is an act of delaying something that must be done.

In this workshop, Ms LEUNG Ka Yan, also known as Counsellorgwa, a Registered Counsellor with APCPA, leveraged on real case examples and experiential exercises to facilitate participants to be aware of, understand, and unhook from our thoughts, backed by concepts from Rational-Emotive Behavior Therapy and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.

Sticky thoughts are unwanted and disturbing, which could drive negative emotions and lead to procrastination. By recognizing our thoughts, we could understand the reasons behind, learn about our values reflected from the thoughts, and move towards to the choice point. Procrastination is preventable!

Finding Your Way When You Are Feeling Lost 當我迷失時可以怎麼辦

Spring 2024

As young adults, university students are at a critical point in their lives where they are discovering their identity and aspirations. Defining life goals and values can provide direction and purpose, leading to a sense of fulfilment.

During the talk, Ms. Bobo Tsang, a Clinical Psychologist from New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association, shared common signs of quarter-life crisis experienced by university students. She facilitated participants in identifying their values and generating value-based goals. Common challenges to living a value-based life were also explored, and then addressed with tips based on Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT).

Interpersonal effectiveness skills, including DEAR MAN (Describe, Express, Assert, Reinforce, Mindful, Appear confident, Negotiate), were taught to support participants in balancing their personal goals with expectations from social roles and others. Thinking traps and avoidance behaviors were also explored, and behavioral experiments were designed to help participants learn to tolerate self-doubt and frustration when things did not go as expected.

Finally, Bobo shared examples where identified values seemed to conflict, and facilitated participants in searching for common ground and sorting out priorities to navigate the challenges of discovering their identity and achieving their goals.

Sending Flowers and Other Love Languages

Spring 2024

Each of us has our own unique way of expressing and receiving love. When we feel disconnected from the people we care about, life can feel lonely and unfulfilling. Dr. Gary Chapman's five Love Languages, which include words of affirmation, quality time, receiving gifts, acts of service, and physical touch, offer possible ways to strengthen our connections and promote harmony in our relationships.

During the workshop, Mr. Anthony Tsang, Registered Social Worker from the Hong Kong Family Welfare Society, provided participants with a fun-filled afternoon of balloon twisting and facilitated them in becoming more aware of their own and others' preferred ways of communicating care for their loved ones. Overall, the talk equipped participants with tips to take small steps in maintaining relationships for applications in their everyday life.

Seeing Life Through the Lens of Horticultural Therapy (一花一世界)

Fall 2023

Horticultural therapy is a process led by trained therapists purposefully using plants and gardens in therapeutic activities designed to positively affect a set of defined health outcomes for individuals. Many research findings validated mental health benefits when it promotes positive feelings, relief from acute stress, and a sense of purpose and hope during the process.

This workshop was facilitated by Dr Nicolson Siu, a registered Horticultural Therapist of the Hong Kong Association of Therapeutic Horticulture as well as a lecturer of Division of Social Science, HKUST. Participants were able to engage in various cognitive processes through gentle touches and utilized creativity with scarce resources to create simple but unique moss puzzles. Participants were also given the opportunity to share their hands-on experience and realized that they were able to overcome difficulties by themselves and create their unique paths in life.

Participants were encouraged to continue cherishing and respecting life of the moss puzzle they created. Tips on how to nurture and take care of the moss puzzles were also shared.

Nurturing Ourselves - From Self-Criticism to Self-Compassion

Fall 2023

Living in a competitive city like Hong Kong, the society celebrates efficiency, productivity, achievements etc. Perhaps for a majority of us, always striving for better academic achievements or comparing career prospects, could be criticising ourselves day in and day out, affecting our mood and stress without even noticing.

In this talk, Dr Melissa Chan, Clinical Psychologist from Central Minds, discussed the concept of self-compassion as the antidote to self-criticism. The functions of the three emotion regulation systems, namely drive system, threat system and soothing system were explained to facilitate participants in acquiring strategies to cultivate self-compassion and be more nurturing to themselves, bringing a positive impact to our mood and promote growth in a more positive way.

Attain Clarity and Peace of Mind through Cultivating Awareness

Fall 2023

Singing bowls provide a powerful means for reconnecting the mind and body, allowing individuals to focus on the resonating tones and vibrations, becoming more present and attuned to their physical sensations.

In this workshop, Ms Charmaine Mok, counselor and Singing Bowls Facilitator, Mindful Living Academy, has provided participants with an immersive experience to explore the remarkable effects of sound and vibration on their well-being, attaining clarity in the process. Through guided meditation, participants also gained a heightened sense of self-awareness, established a deeper connection to their inner selves and experienced deep relaxation and felt recharged.

Thrive in Life with Stress and Tension

Fall 2023

University life could be full of new challenges, changes, and experiences. Some of these are exciting, some others could leave us feeling stressed. Right amount of stress can be good and motivate us to achieve our goals, yet, too much of it can impair our well-being.

In this talk, Ms Sherry Im, Clinical Psychologist from New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association, leveraged on polls to explore different sources of stress and found that academic stress and worries about future were the most common stressors experienced by participants.

Cognitive behavioral strategies drawn from evidence-based psychological approaches were then shared to facilitate participants in engaging in flexible thinking to avoid common thinking traps and alter their thoughts and perception about self, others, or situations that could reduce stress and tension. Practical tips for building resilience were also shared to facilitate participants to live a balancing and nourishing lifestyle to live a fruitful university life without cracking under stress.

JUSTalk Series (Vol. 2) – Unleashing Your Potential by Embracing Personal Growth 問心講 ─ 從心尋路向

Fall 2023

The workshop adopted the concept of a human library, featuring guest speakers who were Peer Companions supported by the Counseling and Wellness Center and Ambassadors from Community Mental Wellness Education Service, Baptist Oi Kwan Social Service. The speakers courageously shared their experiences of mental illness and emotional distress and discussed how they navigated these challenges in their personal development journeys. They explored stress management strategies while pursuing personal growth pathways and emphasized the significance of embracing flaws and changing perspectives. With the intention of fostering self-acceptance, facilitating honest discussions about failure, bolstering resilience, encouraging a culture of seeking help, and nurturing the exchange of wisdom among peers, the workshop provided an environment where student participants could actively engage with guest speakers and acquire valuable insights and learn from the shared experiences.

Navigating Mental Health Crises: Strategies for Support and Recovery

Fall 2023

Mental health challenges can be overwhelming, and crisis situations could be particularly daunting for individuals experiencing them.

In this talk, Ms Sheri Wong, Psychiatric-Mental Health Registered Nurse from the Counseling and Wellness Center, HKUST, leveraged on interactive activities and case studies to explain practical strategies for identifying early warning signs, intervening effectively, and connecting individuals-in-need with appropriate resources.

By the end of the talk, participants were equipped with the knowledge and skills to make a positive difference in the lives of those experiencing mental health challenges, as well as promoting recovery and resilience in the aftermath of a crisis.

JUSTalk Vol.1 - Navigating Academics and Mental Well-being 讀書「搭尋船」

Fall 2023

The workshop rides on the concept of Human Library, which featured guest speakers from the Peer Companions supported by the Counseling and Wellness Center and Mind HK Ambassadors. The speakers shared their personal experiences and challenges they faced in academics, along with the strategies they employed to navigate those difficulties. These strategies included changing perspectives, seeking resources, establishing peer connections, and utilizing counseling services. The workshop aimed to encourage self-acceptance, foster open dialogue about failure, enhance resilience, promote a culture of seeking help, and facilitate the exchange of wisdom among peers. Through engaging with the guest speakers, student participants gained valuable insights and learned from shared experiences, creating a supportive and empowering environment.