Event Archive

Stress-free to Great Achievements

Spring 2021

Postgraduate study can be exceptionally demanding yet satisfying. To maximize students’ learning and face together your worries about school work and career prospects, we are pleased to invite Ms. Michelle Li, Registered Education Psychologist to introduce TPG Students of Generalized Anxiety Disorder and teach them some short-term & long term coping stress strategies.

By the end of the session, students grasped an understanding of potential stressors, bodily symptoms and impacts of stress, as well as effective management techniques through experiential learning exercises.

Effective Communication with Supervisor

Spring 2021

A positive work environment is built on good relationships with your supervisors and co-workers. Effective communication is one of the key elements for good relationships.

We are pleased to invite Dr Lucia Yeung, former Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Department of Management at HKUST and Head of Professional Development in the former Center for Enhanced Learning and Teaching. She currently supervises students on applied business management projects and teaches graduate courses at Auckland University of Technology in New Zealand. In the workshop, Dr Yeung shared with RPG students different style of supervision and practical tips (3A strategies : Agenda, Ask, Action) to manage the relationships with their supervisors.

Work Less, Achieve More: Memory Booster

Fall 2020 & Spring 2021

“Is it possible to remember everything in lecture notes and readings? This online workshop covered three important aspects of information processing : Encoding, Storage & Retrieval.

Student Counselor shared techniques to improve memory along with real-life examples, so that participants can remember more in less time.

Work Less, Achieve More: Beating Procrastination

Fall 2020 & Spring 2021

Ever felt overwhelmed by a long to-do list, yet still finding it extremely difficult to drag yourself to begin working on them? Ever felt not achieving much after a long day in front of your work desk? In this online workshop, students learnt about the psychology of procrastination. Our student counselor shared evidence-based strategies to combat procrastination and guide participants to apply them in daily life.

Work Less, Achieve More: How to be Perfectly Imperfect?

Fall 2020 & Spring 2021

“I wish I did not make that mistake!” Are you very conscious of your own performance and fearful of making mistakes? Have you noticed yourself wanting to be perfect in what you do? It is impossible for us to achieve perfection in everything we do. Such unrealistic expectation is a common cause of stress and anxiety. This online workshop explored how perfectionism influences our performance and mental wellbeing, and offer suggestions on how to accept our imperfections.

Work Less, Achieve More: Be the Master of Your Time

Fall 2020

Life at university is probably one of the most fruitful, enlightening, busy and challenging time of one’s life. How can we juggle among different aspects of university life? How can we achieve the most out of limited time?

This online workshop introduced students to the basic principles of time management, planning and self-monitoring. Student Counselor shared practical time-management strategies such as SMART, ABC principle, Pomodoro Technique to help students maintain a study-life balance.

“Be More with Less” 斷‧捨‧離

Fall 2020

With the new norm of coronavirus outbreak, you may be bound to spend more time indoor. It also means you may spend a lot more time surrounded by your own stuff. Our addiction to consumption may fill up our closets, cabinets, cupboards and even countertops. They all add up so fast that our consumption habits often outpace the space available to store our belongings. Pretty soon our homes look more like a storage instead of a rejuvenating retreat from the hustle of daily life.

Our workshop in January is definitely a good start of this year to help you simplify life in practical steps. Ms. Sharon Lam is a certified professional organizer at the Japan Shuno Licensing Association. She started Home Therapy to provide decluttering and organizational services in Hong Kong since 2018. She shared with us the 80/20 rules, the 15 stuff to get rid of right away and showcased the KonMari Folding Method to orgranize our closet and shoe cabinet to help you get a sense of accomplishment, let go of the past, uplift your mood and regain energy.

Overcoming Exam Anxiety

Fall 2020

Do you feel like your mind “goes blank” during exam period? Do you feel like your heart is racing and difficult to breath or concentrate during assessment?

As a university student, it is perfectly natural to feel anxious and nervous in taking an assessment or examination. A moderate level of anxiety can sharpen our concentration and performance, as well as to keep us motivated. In this workshop, Ms. Michelle Li, Educational Psychologist shared with us the symptoms of General Anxiety Disorder and short-term/long-term effective management strategies to alleviate stress for academic success.

Relax. Recharge. Reconnect: Self-soothing Practice for the Nights

Fall 2020

With self-compassion, we give ourselves the same kindness and care we would give to a family member or a good friend. There are three elements of self-compassion: Self-kindness, Common Humanity and Mindfulness. Self-compassion and Mindfulness practices offer a foundational way to foster our self-care, strengthen awareness, lower stress levels and live from the heart.

In all evening practice sessions, Dr. Adrain Wan, Certified Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC) Teacher (CMSC) taught us practical ways from the Mindful Self-Compassion Program to calm our minds, relax our bodies, and sooth our hearts. A variety of meaningful practices on self-kindness and mindfulness were shared to be an integral part of our daily life. Students would be able to unwind their body and mind for better sleep quality, and develop daily routine in practicing mindfulness and cultivating compassion after the sessions.

Enhance EQ & Support Your Friends

Fall 2020

According to Daniel Goleman, an American psychologist who popularized emotional intelligence, there are five key elements of emotional intelligence: Self-awareness, Self-regulation, Motivation, Empathy and Social Skills. People with high emotional intelligence will be able to understand, use and manage our own emotions in constructive ways to alleviate stress, communicate effectively, empathize with others, overcome challenges and defuse conflicts.

In this workshop, Ms. Kate Yu shared on integrating psychological theories into practical tips for students to navigate social and emotional obstacles to our well-being. She guided us to gain insights in human emotions and social interactions through some interesting thought-experiments and case studies. We are inspired to value self-care and empathetic communication in facing stress and adversity in life, thus gaining more confidence in handling our own emotions and in turn rendering timely support to our beloved ones.