Event Archive

Bounce Back! - Gain Your Emotional Resilience

Fall 2017

Resilience is the ability to "bounce back" from adverse situations, such as trauma, tragedy, threats, or other significant sources of stress. Several factors are found to enhance people's resilience. They are “R.E.B.O.U.N.C.E.”.
R – Relationship building
E – Embracing change and focus on growth
B – Being mindful
O – Optimism
U – Understanding the ABCDE of resilience
N – Nurturing yourself
C – Character strengths
E – Effort and engagement

Network of Kindness and Love

Every Year

Everyone likes to be treated with kindness and love. Kindness in your eyes, kindness in your smiles, kindness in your acts, can bring happiness in others and peace in yourself. It will make the world a better place. In this workshop, you can learn some basic tips on showing kindness and spreading sunshine to your loved ones or people around you.

Mental Health First Aid Course

Every Year

The Counseling and Wellness Center of the Dean of Students' Office conducts 12-hour Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) Courses to HKUST students and staff every year.

The trainer of 12-hour MHFA course will teach you how to provide initial support to people with mental health problem or people experiencing mental health crisis. It will cover:

• Basic knowledge of mood disorders, anxiety disorders, psychotic disorders and substance use disorders;
• Possible crisis arising from these mental health problems (e.g., suicidal behaviors, acute psychotic behaviors, acute stress reactions) and the necessary interventions;
• Early intervention and appropriate support to the person in need before the situation gets worse;
• Community resources and professional services available in Hong Kong


Hold On, Put Efforts - Exam Support

On Term Basis

“Hold On, Put Efforts” is one of the signature programs offered by the Counseling and Wellness Center. Past events include:
• Busking
• Dr Dog
• Refill Station
• Desserts Time
• Aroma Making

Take A Smile: Stay Positive Stay Happy

On Term Basis

According to Prof. Sonja Lyubomirsky, a renowned social psychologist, we can boost our happiness by showing our gratitude to others; cultivating optimism; practicing acts of kindness; nurturing trustful social relationships; practicing mindfulness; exercising; feeling hopeful and cultivating laughter.